Bonanni del Rio Catalog presenta:

BDC38 – Racines dei C’Mon Tigre

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La prima cosa fatta da BDC nel 2019 è la produzione del disco dei C’mon Tigre “Racines” in uscita il 15 febbraio per BDC!K7 Records. E’ un libro/vinile dove ogni canzone è illustrata da un artista visivo diverso:

-Harri Peccinotti
-Mode 2
-Gianluigi Toccafondo
-Danijel Zezelj
-Sic Est
-Shigekiyuriko Yamane
-Stefano Ricci
-Maurizio Anzeri


C’Mon Tigre: in Racines we have put all our heart and soul in it. We’re absolutely thrilled to show it to you, we’re sure it deserve some attention.

The most special mention goes to BDC, thanks for their willingness, they made possible to do something visionary and special.

And this visionary special thing happened thanks to the work, the sensibility and friendship of these great artists: Harri Peccinotti, Mode 2, Gianluigi Toccafondo, Danijel Zezelj, Sic Est, Shigekiyuriko Yamane, Stefano Ricci, Ericailcane, Boogie, Maurizio Anzeri. God bless you guys.

C’mon Tigre Racines out on February 15, 2019 for BDC/!K7 Records
The album preorder is available at
The tour will start from Italy, run by BPM Concerti,

here all the dates:
22-02-2019 BOLOGNA – TPO
28-02-2019 MILANO – Santeria Social Club
09-03-2019 ROMA – Monk
10-03-2019 TERLIZZI (BA) – MAT
14-03-2019 TORINO – Hiroshima Mon Amour
15-03-2109 PADOVA – Hall
22-03-2019 BRESCIA – Latteria Molloy
23-03-2019 FIRENZE – Auditorium Flog
29-03-2019 RAVENNA – Bronson


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